Sources of nutrients

Concept Explanation

Sources of Nutrients

Sources of Nutrients:

Plants obtain carbon from the carbon dioxide present in the air, hydrogen from water and oxygen from air and water. They get the remaining nutrients from the soil. Soil is, therefore, the most important source of various plant nutrients.

Plants, unlike animals, do not require organic materials for their nutrition from other bodies they obtain organic material in large quantity from their tissues. By using the solar energy in the process of photosynthesis,  they are able to synthesize nutrients from carbon dioxide (CO2) and water . However, plants do require inorganic salts, which they absorb from the soil surrounding their roots; these include the elements phosphorus (in the form of phosphate),chlorine (as the chloride ion),potassium,sulphur, calcium, magnesium, iron, manganese, boron, copper, and zinc. Plants also require nitrogen, in the form of nitrate (NO3) or ammonium (NH4+) ions. Moreover they  absorb other inorganic compounds such as iodides and cobalt and selenium salts which they do not require.

The soil gets nutrients as a result of rains there is a gradual breakdown of the rocky material on Earth’s surface. Primarily composed of alumina and silica, rocks also contain smaller amounts of all the mineral elements needed by plants. Another source of soil nutrients is the decomposition of dead plants and animals and their waste products. Earthworm and other millions of microorganisms are a part of the soil, which helps in break down organic materials, releasing simpler mineral salts. Furthermore, two groups of bacteria fix atmospheric nitrogen that is, they are able to add relatively inert element into nitrate ions.

1. Bacteria of the genus Azobacter live freely in soil,

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Sample Questions
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Question : 1

Plants get carbon dioxide from __________________.

Right Option : B
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Question : 2

Which of the following are correct :

(a) Plants obtain carbon from the carbon dioxide present in the air.

(b) Plants obtain hydrogen from water and oxygen from air and water.

(c) Soil is the most important source of various plant nutrients.

Right Option : D
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Question : 3

Plants get hydrogen from __________________.

Right Option : B
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